mercoledì 26 settembre 2012

An unforeseen night at Munich airport

Well, I can undoubtedly state that my spoken English is not perfect, but I’ve just had the chance to verify that my speaking is definitely proven and well-tested. And now I fear (around) nothing concerning English language.

I state in advance that I like flying by plane, I don’t fear for planes and yesterday evening I was cheerfully coming back from a business trip satisfying for more than one reason.

In the evening I was flying from London to Munich when, suddenly, near the touchdown, maybe due to something gulped down quickly previously and floating badly in my stomach, I didn’t feel very well. Unexpectedly  I didn’t understand what was happening to me, but I just could call the steward and say: “Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry, I can’t breathe”.

Describing your symptoms in a foreign language (English, just to say) is a challenge, especially when you hyperventilate and are surrounded only by English and German native speakers. It’s a challenge especially when you have an oxygen mask on your face. And when the only and one paramedic present on board comes from South-Africa, lives in South-Korea and speaks with a very unusual (for you) accent. Anyway, he encouraged me very much.

But, thanks to God, I succeeded. I could explain everything, included the list of my possible allergies. Fortunately, I had nothing serious, just a drop in pressure. 

In few minutes I felt better. But, unfortunately, I missed my connection. When the plane direct to Turin took off, I still was on the ambulance, in health, but trussed up and on a physiological solution drip.

Let me talk about the drip for a while. When the paramedic – another paramedic, whose relatives were Italian, in fact he spoke a bit of Italian – put me on the drip, he pricked me twice. The first time, the damper didn’t work. Therefore I told him:

-          Excuse me, sir, but I thought that in Germany everything worked perfectly. Was I wrong?

He laughed.

And then I added:

-          I can assure that needles are thinner in Italy.

He laughed again.

Once in the infirmary of Munich airport, I felt so  good that doctors decided to discharge me, but I needed a place where to spend the night. The plane after took off at 6:45 a.m.

Therefore the female nurse tried to book a room in one of the two airport hotels on behalf of me.

-          You can’t remain here in the infirmary, absolutely not!

But she came back very early:

-          The first hotel is overbooked. The Oktober Fest is in progress.

-          What does “the Oktober Fest is in progress” mean? Isn’t it September?

-          In the second one there is some vacations, but the cheapest room costs 400 euros per night.

I was shocked:

-          May I ask you to show me a bridge which I can spend the night under?

-          You’re perfectly right, I know, I know… We couldn’t, we couldn’t, we couldn’t, but you are allowed to spend the night here, free of charge.

And then she guided me to a single room which looked like a hospital room.
Thank God, and thank also that nurse.


1.       The Germans are efficient and also polite, does anyone disagree??

2.       Angels exist. My personal one comes from South-Africa and lives in South Korea. Unfortunately he disappeared before I could thank him.

3.       Before leaving I thanked the paramedics for their kindness.

-          It’s my job, - one of them said.
-       Yes, but you can work in very different ways. For a patient it’s very important to be supported, and your kindness made the difference, - I replied.

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Un errore di gioventù

Un errore di gioventù
Futura è incinta per la seconda volta e a Patrick sembra che il loro mondo sia perfetto, ma una notizia dal passato potrebbe scombinare tutto. Patrick infatti viene contattato da una sua ex, Arlene, che gli confessa di avere una figlia quasi adolescente, che potrebbe essere sua. Lui però non ha il coraggio di rivelarlo alla moglie.

L'occasione di una vita

L'occasione di una vita
Tre donne, tre occasioni per cambiare la propria vita. A Londra Futura rimane inaspettatamente incinta, ma Patrick inizialmente non è disposto ad accettare l'idea di diventare padre. Tra i due conviventi scende a lungo il gelo, finché il ragazzo, intenerito dall'ecografia del piccolo, decide di rivedere le proprie posizioni. Non fa in tempo però a manifestare le sue intenzioni che Futura perde il bambino e in conseguenza di ciò decide di allontanarsi, non essendosi sentita sufficientemente amata e capita durante la pur breve gestazione. A Torino Massimo e Ljuda, sposati e con due bambini, si dividono tra lavori part-time e la gestione della Casa di Accoglienza, struttura che si occupa di ospitare donne vittime di violenza che tentano di rimettere insiemi i cocci della loro vita. Ljuda però non è felice, le pesa la perenne carenza di soldi e decide, senza il benestare del marito, di partecipare al Reality più famoso d'Italia, dove è stata scritturata come concorrente, per dare una svolta alla sua esistenza.

Perché ne sono innamorata

Perché ne sono innamorata
Quanti modi ci sono per innamorarsi? E quanti per esprimere l’amore? Come inizia una storia duratura? La sognatrice Manuela, l’introversa e concreta Futura, la tenace Ljuda e la rassegnata Martina sono alle prese, rispettivamente, ma non sempre biunivocamente, con un promesso sposo altrui e inaffidabile, un ragazzo affascinante ma affetto da una patologia genetica, un seminarista e un fidanzato arrogante e violento. Impareranno, a loro spese, a discernere le relazioni sane da quelle malate.

Lettori fissi

Informazioni personali

La mia foto
Sono nata a Torino nel 1975 dove ancora risiedo e lavoro. Ho pubblicato qualche romanzo e ogni tanto condivido sul blog i miei pensieri.